
The goal of this project is to rediscover human emotions from an Eastern cultural perspective and present them through a universal story, told through synergies between the eye and ear.

gamin, as a coda for her residency at HERE, creates an experimental music theater piece, "Impermanence," exploring avenues to bridge the gap between traditional and modern, movement and stillness, sound and visual. “Impermanence” is a sound-driven experiment, with gamin teaming up with percussionist Satoshi Takeishi, violinist Jason Lee, visual artist Hua Hua Zhang, and lighting designer Ayumu Poe Segusa. All are experienced in traditional Asian and contemporary experimental music and arts, emphasizing “playfulness” among the artists. 

'Movement in Silence,' melds the emotion of Korean Dance, and systematically seeks an effective expression of artistic features in the culture and creative process. Mostly, we explore how emotion is sublimated to achieve catharsis.

Digital Album released on BandCamp

HERE Residence Artist Work 2020-2023

The Emotions : Impermanence




PAN project