gamin created "Unforgotten Song," a music and multi-media work, commemorates the anguish of the Comfort Women, local women enslaved throughout Japan-occupied East Asia, 1932-1945. Inspired by artist Chang-Jin Lee's recordings and exhibition, this tribute is intended to include all women who are and have been victims of sexual violence and exploitation. These songs of our strong and resilient Mothers and Grandmothers must be “unforgotten” to inspire, the following generations of women and men.
At its heart, the concert transforms archived songs sung by survivors into tales of resilience, courage, and strength in the face of suffering and injustice. In poignant irony, gamin’s composition results in a beautiful yet heart-breaking paean not only for victims in the past but also for all women who are deeply suffering from injustice in the world.
The only partly acknowledged crimes committed against the enslaved "comfort women" of East Asia forebode today's crimes. In recent days, long-disproved outrageous claims that this mass enslavement was consensual have surfaced. These horrors highlight the continuing vulnerability of women to violence in many parts of the world.

Unforgotten Song 2021

produced & performed by gamin

I debuted a multi-disciplinary project called “Unforgotten Song,” on November 18, 2019, as part of my residency at Brandeis University.

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) and AAARI (Asian American/Asian Research Institute-City University of New York) presented it as part of CROSSING BOUNDARIES virtual performance Series in 2021

In 2022, Live performance with music, poetry, and visual arts is supported by NYSCA.


Traditional Korean Music


Album 'Nong'